The weather was nasty outside and we were looking for a place to let Owen burn off some energy..... 3 year old boys stuck in the house for a week with pregnant mommy that can't rough-house can make for a bad combination.. :)
Some friends of Allison had recommended Bounze Zone just south of Pottstown, so we decided to give it a try. place is awesome!! Owen and I had a great time blasting around in the bouncy mazes for most of the afternoon.

He was in his glory sliding down all the slides.

Story about this picture... We read a lot before bedtime and in one of his Curious George books, George helps out by doing a puppet show and of course it's a big hit because George can do puppets with both his hands and his feet. So they have a little puppet box at the bounze zone and Allison and I were very amused to look over and see Owen on his back with puppets on his hands and feet just like George. Hilarious stuff....
Climbing up before the big slide down!

And playing some air-hockey with Daddy...