When Owen was visiting with Mom & Dad back in September, he and Mom discovered some Monarch butterfly worms which Owen brought home and lovingly watched over. This was the first time he had seen metamorphosis in action... it was funny just hearing him try to pronounce it. :)
Nearing the time they would emerge, we kept a close eye on them as the cocoon's became clear and he could start to see the wing patterns. Right on time, the butterflies emerged. He was so excited to see them and help them get ready to fly!
Discovering the first one...

Owen reached in and the butterfly crawled right onto his hand.

He sat for several minutes watching the new creature dry out it's wings and get ready to fly.

Shortly after we took this picture, the butterfly took off and flew across the lawn. I thought he might be sad, but he was actually happy to see it fly away.
I think it was 2 days later that the second one emerged.... It was later in the evening, so here's the boy in his pajamas, enjoying the process. After awhile, he let the butterfly crawl onto one of the shrubs to get ready to fly.