Saturday, May 14, 2011

First week

We spent most of Thursday during the day, unpacking and Friday I went into the office to catch up on some work before the weekend....  Friday afternoon it was pretty nice weather and we just all needed to get out of the house and take a break from unpacking.  So we headed up Burnaby mountain after I got home, to do some hiking around with the kids. 

This is a view looking north over Burrard Inlet.   This picture does the in-person view no justice.

Molly was quite happy to get outside and run around.  Lots of laughs of course...

Daddy!  This way to the swings!!

Lots of playgrounds in the parks around here, which Owen just loves...

The hoodlums on a rock in the park. 

Owen wanted us to take this picture to send to his friends from school back in Pennsylvania.

The daffodils were blooming in the park... this picture turned out very cute.

Saturday it was raining (shocking I know).... so we went into Stanley Park to visit the Vancouver Aquarium.  Maybe it was the weather, but it was packed!  We purchased season passes as they paid for themselves if we went only twice.  What a great aquarium!  It isn't as big as Baltimore, but the quality is very high and they have a lot of displays showing off a lot of local aquatic life.  They also have Beluga whales, sea lions, otters, dolphins etc...  Owen and Molly just loved it and we will certainly be going back again sometime soon.

Love this picture.  Molly was just enamored by the "fishies" in this tank.  I think she would have stood there for the rest of the afternoon...

In the lower level, they have an entire room dedicated to snakes, spiders and frogs and this was an interactive display where the kids could climb under the habitat and stand up in a bubble.  Owen loved this!

They are doing a water works improvement project on our street... adding new fire hydrants and improving the main supply line... Owen and Molly watched them work for quite some time.

 The queen with her new galoshes.  She loves the pink stripes!

Molly was hanging out with me after we got our cable up and running and was watching the disney channel in our bed.  I came back in to this scene...  kicked back, crossed leg.  I laughed out loud.

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