We had an unusual warm spell in January, so Owen took advantage to fly one of his kites at our local park.
The weekend before Owen's birthday, he and I met up at Bear Mountain with Mark and Jacob Rossney to do some skiing.....We had a great time!
For the kid's birthdays in February we enjoyed sometime with friends and family at the house for a small party.
Molly, Viv and Kiera looking at Molly's mug!
Some serious concentration opening presents!
Love with cousin Maddi
Cinderella cake for the princess!
Ready to blow out candles. Not really sure what Owen is doing.... :)
Molly's birthday cupcakes for her day-care class.
Here's a video of one of Owen's creations from his Kinex kit he received as a gift for his birthday. He loved putting this together and watching it run.
Painting Easter Eggs with the cousin's at Great Grandma's before Easter.
Easter morning 2013. Their smiles make me laugh...
It's crazy how fast they are growing up!
After the Easter hunt and Grandma and Grandpas.... examining treasures with Great Grandma Ney.
In March, we made a weekend trip to Grandma and Grandpa Horvath's. Molly taking a walk with Mommy and Grandma.
Making home-made pretzels with Grandma was a huge hit!

At the end of March, Allison and the kids went to Baltimore to meet up with Aunt Mary and the cousins when they were in town while Seth was at a conference. They went to the aquarium and had a great time!
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