Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lancaster Barnstormers

This past weekend we went to a Lancaster Barnstormer game with some friends... Thank you Amy & Shannon for organizing!

Here's Owen with cousin Marissa listening to some live entertainment outside the main gate while we waited for everyone to get there.

Owen was probably most excited to eat a hot dog....

After a few innings, his attention span was running thin, but thankfully they have a large playground up behind 3rd base where I spent with Owen for most of the remainder of the evening.

Carrie and Aidan shared some cotton candy with Owen. This was his first time and he loved it. He was very proud of his blue lips and tongue.

This was the first Barnstormer game I had been to and the venue is definitely a win for the local baseball fans in my opinion. Parking is free, the concessions are reasonable, and the stadium is clean.

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