Sunday, August 31, 2008

Random stuff

Owen has been a ball of energy the past few weekends, which has prompted some more creative outlets for doing stuff.
Last weekend, we spent some time digging out the tent and setting it up in the yard. After we ate lunch, he wanted so bad to take his afternoon nap in it.. so we tried. He lasted about a hour before he came in and told me he wanted to go up to his bedroom because it was hot outside. Poor little guy... he was a total sweat monkey.
And then we had a sighting of the very elusive bag man. He's a curious creature that laughs a lot and runs around waving his hands. I cornered him in the living room and got a picture before he raced off again.
Before we cut-up the watermelon, Owen insisted that I take his picture with it.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Awww, I love bag man. Actually, I really love the presence of blankie in the watermelon picture :)